Keywords: creativity, development determinant, culture, regional development


Contemporary scientists try to determine new or so far not appreciated factors contributing to regional development in order to explain social and economic processes influencing regional disparities. A wide set of potential determinants is considered. One of them is creativity, examined on the level of individuals. There exist quite many supporters of the idea that creativity contributes generally to development, as well as to regional development. A relationship between theses phenomena can be proved statistically, as it was performed in the study with use of Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Nevertheless it needs taking into account that creativity concerns wide range of activities, for example artists usually not associated as contributors of economic or regional development. However, there still remains some area to speculations: to what extent development in some areas attracts creative people to them (so opposite relation to the fact that creative people are determinants of development)? Maybe from some critical point, a development level is a determinant of high density of creative people in some areas? An answer seems not to be easy and requires further research.


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How to Cite
Drejerska, N. (2012). LOOKING FOR FURTHER DETERMINANTS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 11(1), 37-45. Retrieved from https://js.wne.sggw.pl/index.php/aspe/article/view/4043