Keywords: income, rural household, logistic regression, Central Pomerania, Poland


The aim of the research is to identify the socio-economic features of rural households affecting the probability of obtaining a higher average monthly net income per person based on 100 entities in Central Pomerania, on the basis of pilot studies (direct questionnaire technique) using a logistic regression model. The dependent variable was the probability that the surveyed rural household would receive an average monthly net income per person above the median level for the studied sample. The selection of independent variables was made on the basis of literature studies. The results of the analyses confirmed that the following characteristics had a statistically significant impact on the tested probability: age, education of the head of the household and professional activity of household members. These parameters increase the probability of obtaining a higher average monthly net income per person in rural households of Central Pomerania.


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How to Cite
Zawadzka, D., & Strzelecka, A. (2020). SOCIO-ECONOMIC FEATURES OF RURAL HOUSEHOLDS IN CENTRAL POMERANIA AND THEIR PROFITABILITY – PILOT STUDY RESULTS. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(1), 101-109.