Keywords: human potential quality, demography, valeology, regions of Ukraine, classification, discriminatory analysis


This study describes a method for evaluating the quality of human potential within Ukraine’s current conditions, by looking at the demographic and valeologic (healthy living) component. This research was conducted on the basis of Ukraine’s regional data. In addition to measuring the level of quality development according to this component, the method aims to classify regions on its basis. Such classification is a justification for regional policies geared at human development and for distribution of resources by region. The study uses a discriminant analysis as well as some methods of taxonomic analysis. As a result of the analysis, Ukrainian regions were divided into four groups. The method applied in this research is universal and can be used to assess and classify regions according to other components of human potential quality, provided that relevant indicators are applied. It can also be approved and implemented in other countries because the statistical database is quite unified in terms of indicators that are included in the analysis.


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How to Cite
Stepura, T. (2020). DIFFERENTIATION OF HUMAN POTENTIAL QUALITY IN REGIONS OF UKRAINE: DEMOGRAPHIC AND HEALTH ASPECTS. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(1), 49-59. https://doi.org/10.22630/ASPE.2020.19.1.6