Keywords: child benefit, labour market, professional passivity, professional activity, rural areas, family 500 programme


The purpose of this study is to analyse the professional activity of parents who receive the Family 500+ educational benefit. Eligibility for this benefit in the first three years of the programme was dependent on family income and the number of children. Research shows that the highest level of professional activity was among parents who had one child and they did not receive a child benefit. Parents who received a 500+ benefit and had two or more children were more active in the labour market than parents with one child. An increase was also found in the number of economically inactive people not seeking work for reasons related to running a home and caring for family members, especially among people living in the countryside.


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How to Cite
Kmieć, D. (2019). PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF PARENTS RECEIVING FAMILY 500+ CHILD SUPPORT IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 18(3), 37-45.