Keywords: lifestyle, rural area, physical activity, Warsaw suburbs


Research focuses on potential existence of relation between the quality of life of rural respondents (rated subjectively) and the level of physical activity and the amount of time spent on it. Additionally, it investigates to what extend the respondents lead healthy lifestyle which includes healthy diet. Diagnostic survey is a research method that was applied. The techniques used include: international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) test, Batterie rapide d’efficience frontale (BREF) test – verifies quality of life and interviews with original questionnaire (developed by authors). The research shows that rural areas inhabitants are aware of factors that determine people’s health. At the same time they seem not to be aware of negative influence of using stimulants on their health. The remarkable thing is that respondents point out how important physical activity is as an element determining well-being. After conducting the research, a leading conclusion emerges that there is a need to formulate an educational program for rural residents, indicating the proper implementation of individual elements of the lifestyle.


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How to Cite
Majchrzak-Jaszczyk, A., Bartnik, P., Mogiła-Lisowska, J., & Pędraszewska-Sołtys, B. (2019). LIFESTYLE AND ITS QUALITY AMONG RESIDENTS OF WARSAW SUBURBAN COMMUNES. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 18(2), 59-68.