The objective of this study has been to diagnose differences in the level of entrepreneurship in municipalities of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province in 2010–2017. Among the 116 municipalities in this province, the highest average entrepreneurship rate was observed in the municipalities of Olsztyn, Stawiguda and Dywity; the lowest one was in Górowo Iławeckie, Kalinowo and Lelkowo. In the municipalities with the highest level of entrepreneurship, the diagnosed rates were as much as four-fold higher than the lowest ones. Compared with the average entrepreneurship rate among all Polish municipalities, as many as 93.10% of the municipalities in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province scored lower. The authors have also made an attempt to verify if there is any dependence between the level of investment expenses incurred by a municipality and its level of entrepreneurship. A moderate relationship has been identified, and it was stronger in the distinguished group of 15 municipalities with the lowest and 15 with the highest investment outlays.Downloads
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