Keywords: religious cultural heritage, EU funding, local development, tourism


As there is a dynamic relation between religious cultural heritage, tourism and local development, the European Union supports preservation of religious heritage through regional policy funds available in Poland under operational programmes. The aim of the research was to define and look into the main outcomes of this support, based on qualitative and quantitative data from SIMIK 2007–2013 and central teleinformation system (CTS) SL2014 for 2014–2020. Findings show that the 618 projects for the preservation of religious cultural heritage in Poland comprised a very small share of all investments under operational programmes. They were also a very small share of the total value of all projects and of EU funding co-financing them. However, comparing the financial perspective of 2007–2013 and 2014–2020, there is an increase in the number of these investments and in the number of projects that obtained the best relation of EU funding to their total value, i.e. 85%.


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How to Cite
Rakowska, J. (2021). EUROPEAN UNION FUNDING FOR PRESERVATION OF RELIGIOUS CULTURAL HERITAGE IN POLAND. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(4), 113-120.